Still – Week 10

I want to apologize for the fact that today is not going to be a full blog post. I have yet to edit pictures from Women’s Week or to really get back in the swing of my normal schedule, and today I took the opportunity to go to lunch with Margaret, the intern director, who is getting ready to go home for 3-4 months. And so, I am hoping to have time this weekend to write the more complete blog that I really want to write – because I want to be able to share with you what the Lord has been doing.

For now, I will say that in the midst of hard circumstances, I have been reminded that the Lord is good. No matter what is happening around me, no matter how I am feeling, no matter fill-in-the-blank-with-anything…the Lord is GOOD. “I will remain confident in this, I will see the goodness of the Lord” – a line from one of my favorite worship songs (“Everlasting God [We Set Our Hope]” by Fellowship Church…look it up). The Lord has continued to reveal Himself to me, and has even answered prayers before I was finished praying them, which is such an encouragement because I know He doesn’t have to do that. Sometimes we have to wait days, months, years, for prayers to be answered…so for Him to answer right in the moment has been a reminder of His love and goodness.

Here is one of the pictures that I have edited. This is Wednesday night of Women’s Week, where we had graduation for the women at Lily House. It was such a great night of celebrating the amount of time each woman has been in the program. This night, I laughed, was brought to tears, and was struck with the love the Lord has given me for all of these women in the 10 weeks I’ve been here. Please continue to pray for them, for their walks with the Lord, for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ love for them, and for the Holy Spirit to provide them with all they need.

Smiles on graduation night.

Published by K. Jenko

Christ, coffee, community, choosing joy, chasing wellness, living internationally, loving missions, listening to music.

One thought on “Still – Week 10

  1. Know that I pray for you all the time and that when I read your updates, I am lifted high by your faith and your experiences. Love you!

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